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Choosing the mobility scooter that is right for you

It can be a daunting task to buy a mobility scooter; there are many different brands, models, sizes, advantages and so on and so on. It’s probably best compared to purchasing a car. You should go through the same motions and considerations.

We all have different priorities some people are most concerned about comfort others care mainly for speed or if you are anything like me you want to make sure that it isn’t ugly.

So first off, try and decide what you want from your scooter. Do you want to use it to run errands, join the family for a walk in the park, use it on the train or bus, put in the boot of your car and use it inside of shopping centres? With today's technological advances there are only a few places that a scooter can’t go. You can even take them on a plane at no additional cost (costs may apply when travelling on budget airlines).

Once you have decided what your main intended uses are you need to look at some other factors that will narrow your choices down. Things to consider are:

  1. The terrain you live in
  2. Your weight
  3. Your capabilities
  4. Your Budget

Now comes the fun part, what are the factors that you value the most. This is like a wish list, place you most wanted item at the top of the list and worked yourself down. This approach will help your priorities and built a clear picture of what you want.

  1. Speed
  2. Price
  3. Travel range
  4. Comfort
  5. Suspension
  6. Looks
  7. Manoeuvrability
  8. Longevity

That should be the hardest work done!

Depending on what uses, limitations and priorities you have picked you should be able to get a fair idea of what you need AND want.

The next step is to FIND the right product. I have put together a little table for you with the main uses of the scooters, and what types of gopher relate to these. Please see below. I have also included a limiting column as this can affect the gopher that is suitable for you.

Main Uses Suggested Type of Scooter Limitting Factors
Run errands (including shopping, doctors, etc.) Medium type scooter  it will give you a large enough motor and battery to go on longer trips in your neighbourhood

Predominantly hilly area – you may need to consider a large scooter to maintain speed while going up hills

 Weight some medium scooters have weight limits around 100kg – 130kg. You may need a large scooter if your weight exceeds this

Use in Parks, unsealed roads 

Medium or Large scooter the main factor to consider when looking for a predominantly outdoor scooter is suspension. While a small bump in the road doesn’t seem a big deal, 30 mins of continuous small bumps can affect your outdoor experience.

Predominantly hilly area – you may need to consider a large scooter to maintain a good speed while going up hills

Weight some medium scooters have weight limits around 100kg – 130kg. You may need to consider a large scooter if your weight exceeds this

Use on public transport such as buses and trains

Large  Small to Medium Scooter – here you are mainly governed by the size of the scooter. Most transport companies will have information about maximum sizes, weights and manoeuvrability that is allowed. For us here in Western Australia and Perth, Transperth has all the information. This link will show you the Transperth site that outlines what is allowed.

Weight some large-small scooters & medium scooters have weight limits around 100kg – 130kg. You may need to consider a large mobility-scooter if your weight exceeds this

Wheel Size and suspension; when boarding a bus or train you will have to manoeuvre a gap and navigate an incline. The gap is usually very small. However, some older models of public transport still have larger gaps. The steepness depends on the bus and once again can vary based on the type of vehicle you are boarding. You may have to look into a medium scooter to ensure that you don’t get any wheels caught, won't tip and have enough power to navigate the ramp

Use predominantly inside like shopping centres and easy transport in the boot of your car

Small portable scooters These scooters easily fold up in either by pulling a lever or by a push of a button. They weight between 19kg and 29kg and offer different types of stability, comforts and advantages

Small pull apart scooters Usually larger and heavier than the folding models, these scooters can be taken apart into numerous parts for transport, these scooters tend to be more sturdy, and some even have suspension. These are great if you predominantly use them indoors, but want the flexibility to take them outdoors occasionally

Weight most portable scooters have weight restrictions, they usually vary between 110kg and 130kg for the pull apart models

Your capabilities, while these mobility-scooters are small and light by comparison, they can sometimes be hard to handle by yourself. There are gadgets such as hoists that can assist with storing these scooters, but usually, it is a two person job to load the mobility-scooter into a car.

Your capabilities if you struggle with your balance and transferring in and out of your scooter you would be advisable to choose a 4 wheel option over a three wheel option.


Hopefully, the above table has assisted you in identifying if you require a portable, medium or large scooter. Now you can compare your wish list to the different types of brands that are on the market. For example, if your main concern is price, you may want to look into a second-hand option. You can often save a lot of money by opting to buy a pre-loved scooter. I would, however, advise you to buy this scooter from a store rather than a private person (unless you know them well) as this way you can be sure that the scooter you have bought runs well and has recently been serviced.

Bluesky Healthcare stocks an extensive range of scooters to suit any of the above uses and more. If you have a fair idea of what you want, it might be best to have a bit of a look on our website. www.blueskyhealthcare.com.au, alternatively we suggest test riding a couple of different models so you can feel the difference. We offer 100% obligation free demonstration, these are completely free and can take place either in our showroom in Osborne Park or as we usually recommend at your home. This way you can test the scooter in the environment that you will be using it in and see how you go navigating the kerb to your driveway or the porthole on the footpath etc. Feel free to call us on 08 9242 7333 if you want to discuss which scooter we would recommend for you!


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